Cloud Hosting

Utilise onshore cloud hosting through AWS to ensure reliable and secure infrastructure for optimal performance and data integrity.


Multi-Tenant Environment

eProLMS comes with a multi-tenant environment that allows tenants to create and manage other users, assign courses or licenses, and run reports. It will also allow each tenant to have their own courses and share selected courses with other tenants.

Course Creation

  • Create versatile courses with features like Interactive learning using H5P packages and SCORM files, an assignment engine, a built-in authoring tool, and the ability to reuse PowerPoint files, PDFs, and Videos. You can change course default settings, embed online video content, backup courses, benefit drag & drop interactions, and incorporate learning plans.
  • Adjust Media embedding settings for seamless integration of multimedia content.

Course Categories

Organise courses efficiently by assigning them to categories, creating new categories, and managing them effectively for easy navigation. Categories can reflect qualifications.

Course Format

  • Incorporate a Social Format for a collaborative and community-driven learning environment.
  • Implement a Weekly Format for structured and organised course delivery.
  • Utilise Topics Format to organise content and discussions efficiently.
  • Integrate Video Conferencing for seamless communication and collaboration.
  • Utilise themes for customisable and visually appealing interfaces.


  • eProLMS Assignment can be configured for both formative and summative assessment.
  • Formative assessment involves continuous monitoring, always available assignments, and typically not graded with flexible completion settings.
  • Summative assessment is evaluative with set start, end, and cut-off dates, graded assignments, and higher weight in the gradebook.
  • eProLMS Assignment submissions can include various types: no submission required, online text submission, and file submission.
  • Group assignments in eProLMS allow collaborative submissions, and peer evaluation can be integrated for a richer learning experience.
  • Grading in eProLMS Assignments supports simple direct grading, advanced grading with marking guides, rubrics, and marking workflows for assessments by multiple teachers.


  • eProLMS Assignment can be configured for both formative and summative assessment.
  • eProLMS Assignment submissions can include various types: no submission required, online text submission, and file submission.
  • Group assignments in eProLMS allow collaborative submissions and peer evaluation can be integrated for a richer learning experience.
  • Grading in eProLMS Assignments supports simple direct grading, advanced grading with marking guides, rubrics, and marking workflows for assessments by multiple teachers.

Assessment Grading

Track and evaluate learner progress comprehensively with features such as Course History, Gradebook, Gradebook audit trail, Gradebook comments, Manual Grading ("Marking"), and Multiple grading scales, ensuring accurate assessment and feedback.

Certificate Management

Streamline certification management with features like Certification life-cycle, managing certification templates, using predefined certification templates, and issuing unique certificates by course or curriculum.


Roles and Permissions

Benefit from three distinct account types: Admin/Manager, Trainer/Assessor, and Learner/Student, each with role-based user permissions tailored to their responsibilities, providing a secure and controlled learning environment.


Efficiently manage user accounts by adding new users, archiving users, browsing lists of users, performing bulk user actions, customizing mandatory user profile fields, and uploading users for streamlined administration.



Efficiently mark and track attendance of multiple sessions of a course. Change user-based permissions to mark or access the attendance records.


Automate enrolment based on user data, perform manual enrolment or allow self-enrolment. You can also bulk-enrol students into different courses by creating their cohorts (or groups).



  • Allow Badge customization to personalise and recognise learner achievements.
  • Utilise Badges as visual rewards for learner accomplishments.
  • Customise Gamification mechanics to tailor the gaming elements to specific learning objectives.
  • Implement Leaderboards to foster healthy competition among learners.
  • Utilise Levels to signify different stages of achievement.
  • Assign Points to quantify and reward learner participation and achievements.
  • Offer Rewards to motivate and recognise exceptional performance.

Mobile Apps

  • Use the iOS App (for iPhone and iPad) and Android App (for Android phones and tablets) for convenient access to learning resources on Apple devices.
  • Support offline (disconnected Mobile app) for learning continuity in low or no connectivity scenarios.
  • Enable online (Internet-connected) learning for seamless access to resources.

Interface Options

  • Provide a customised home page for supplementary information and resources.
  • Manage content and layout efficiently through Block Management.
  • Configure Calendar Settings to organise and schedule learning events.
  • Customise Language settings for a personalised user experience.


  • Schedule Automated Report Scheduling for regular and timely updates.
  • Generate Canned Reports for quick and predefined insights.
  • Utilise Dashboards and Graphic Reports for visualizing key metrics.
  • Enable Email delivery of Reports for easy distribution.
  • Export Reports in a variety of formats for further analysis.
  • Configure Grading Report Settings to customise grading-related reports.
  • Implement Learning Analytics Tools for in-depth analysis of learner performance.
  • Maintain Training Records systematically for comprehensive tracking.